- The prize “WMO Professor Mariolopoulos Trust Fund Award” for 2006 was awarded to two scientists: Dr. Jeffrey Robert Knight for his study titled: “A signature of Persistent Natural Thermohaline Circulation Cycles in Observed Climate” Hadley Centre, UK and to Nicholas Christides for his study titled: “Detection of Changes in Temperature Extremes During the Second Half of the 20th Century” Met Office, UK. The Awarding Ceremony took place on May 17, 2006 in Anavyssos, Attica and it was attended by the Secretary-General for Research and Technology, representatives of the Academy of Athens, the Hellenic National Meteorological Service, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Education.
- The Foundation, in collaboration with the Committee on the Study of the Global Change (IGBP-Global Change), Academy of Athens, co-organized a Colloquium on “Climate Change”. The Colloquium took place on June 15, 2006 at the Institute of Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens and the Proceedings were published (“Climate Change”, Proceedings of the Colloquium, Athens 15 June 2006)
The President of MKF Prof. Christos Zerefos, the representative of WMO Prof. Len Barrie and the awardee Dr. Jeffrey R. Knight (Anavyssos, 2006).
The President of MKF Professor C. Zerefos, the Nobel Prize winners, Professors S. Rowland, M. Molina and P. Crutzen, the NCAR Director, Professor G. Brasseur, Dr. S. Solomon among distinguished scientists and officials from NASA, NOA, CNRS, Max Planck etc. in the front line (Athens, Sept. 2007).
- The Foundation, in collaboration with the Academy of Athens, the United Nations Environment Program, the World Meteorological Organization, the International Ozone Commission and the National Observatory of Athens, organized a scientific Symposium between September 23-26, 2007 in Athens on the 20th anniversary since the signing of the Montreal Protocol on the Protection of the Ozone Layer. The Symposium was attended by more than 200 Academicians and distinguished scientists, among whom were the three scientists who have been honored with the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, Professors S. Rowland, M. Molina, and P. Crutzen. The Symposium Proceedings were published by Springer Publishing. At the end of the Conference, the participants unanimously made the following Athens Declaration. https://www.certh.gr/2FA16EB4.en.aspx
Athens Declaration